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Covid-19 in 2021 (Part II): Assessing ‘The Science’

(This is Part Two of a three-part series. Click here for Part One and here for Part Three). One thing that most of us can agree on in these polarized times is that decisions should be made on the basis of scientific evidence rather than

COVID-19 in 2021 (Part I): An End Within Sight?

(This is Part One of a three-part series. Click here for Part Two and here for Part Three). There once was a time when we could assess the evidence, make conclusions and then discuss how best to integrate these findings into policy. This has not

Perspectives: On Conspiracy Theories, Censorship and Segregation

PERSPECTIVE A On segregation We all know that excluding the anti-vaxxers from society is a good thing and that, although segregation has got a bad rap, we know it’s the right thing to do because it’s backed by science.  And sure, some people will point

What are the Studies Saying? Actual Risk, Relative Risk and NNT

  “Don’t hate the playa, hate the maths”. It’s fair to say that medical statistics is not a particularly sexy subject. But if you’re being served something and asked to swallow it, it can pay to read the label… And the quickest and easiest way

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Mast cells are frontline immune cells that are found in rich quantities in any of the body’s surfaces that are exposed to the environment, explaining why they can have such a key part in inflammatory processes of the airways, the intestinal wall and skin. Since

Coronavirus – A Hysteria-free Look at the Facts

In early December 2019, doctors in the Wuhan province of China reported that they had identified a novel virus in a cluster of patients. They linked them to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale market nearby. They identified this virus as a mutant strain in the series

How Useful is the VCS test?

In introduction to the VCS test The Visual Contrast Sensitivity test, hereby referred to as the VCS test, is a 10-minute test that aims to determine how well you can tell between shades of grey. This is different to an ‘eye test’, which tests for

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